Sag Harbor
1 Long Wharf, Sag Harbor, NY, USA
Minutes1 Long Wharf, Sag Harbor, NY, USA
The Paumanok Stompers
Saturday March 1, 8pm
The Paumanok Stompers Traditional Jazz Band is a collective jazz band founded and run by trumpeter, vocalist and band leader Marc Johnson of Brightwaters, NY. They are composed entirely of Long Island musicians with a passion for traditional (aka. Dixieland) jazz originating from New Orleans. The Paumanok Stompers are one of very few actively gigging jazz bands on Long Island and the only jazz band on Long Island exclusively performing Traditional New Orleans Jazz. Their mission is to promote live music on Long Island, bring excitement and variety to the otherwise homogeneous Long Island music scene and to expand the breadth of traditional jazz beyond New Orleans, New York City and the handful of other locations where it’s commonly heard.
Formed in October 2023, The Paumanok Stompers made their debut performance at Tiny Racoon Books in Sayville, NY to help promote a book release by author, Valerie Nifora. Several months later they did their first full gig in May of 2024 in Bay Shore, NY. Since that time, they have performed in such locations as The Kismet Inn in Kismet, Fire Island, Prost German Bier Garten in Garden City, Charlotte’s Speakeasy in Farmingdale, the Long Beach Public Library, private house parties and most appropriately Big Daddy’s New Orleans Cuisine in Massapequa, NY to name just a few. They have been invited back in every venue they have played proving that there is not only a market on Long Island for jazz, but a market for genres of music other than the ubiquitous classic rock cover band!
The Paumanok Stompers rehearse 3 hours per week regardless of their gig schedule not only to polish their existing repertoire, but to add new songs to their ever-expanding catalog. At the time this is being written, they are performance ready with over 5 hours of music covering not just traditional jazz classics from the late teens, 20’s, 30’s and beyond, but also New Orleans second line marches, New Orleans jazz funeral tunes, Christmas songs and of course (which will be mostly featured this evening) Mardi Gras classics. In short, no two performances by the band are ever the same and are tailor made to the venue and season.
The Paumanok Stompers founder Marc Johnson could not be more thrilled to be performing in his favorite town on Long Island, Sag Harbor, NY! Mr. Johnson has a history in this town and adores the area and people who live here. The band is ecstatic to bring New Orleans Jazz to Long Island’s East End. This Mardi Gras set has been specially tailored specifically for this performance tonight at the Bay Street Theater. We feel this exciting music will bring a smile to your face and will pump you full of energy. So unlike the start of most performances, we do not encourage you to sit back or relax! Stomp your feet, put your hands together and sing along! Happy Mardi Gras y’all!
Laissez les bons temps rouler!!!
Tickets start at $42